node-red-contrib-norelite npm version

Try to implement this scenario through automation rules in Home Assistant:

I want the lights on if it is starting to get dark and it is Sun-Thu (workday the day after) between 6-22:30 OR Fri-Sat between 6-23. I also want the lights to be on if it is really dark and the TV is on. But if the TV is turned off I want the lights to stay on for another 15 mins. And if I wake up and need to go to the restroom during the night I want the lights to turn on for 10 mins.

So in summary:

It will probably take some work to build automation scripts in Home Assistant to accomplish but in Node-RED fairly simple to implement using node-red-contrib-norelite as illustrated below.

Illustrative example

So, what’s the difference from using standard Node-RED nodes

In short I’d say it is the following main characteristics:

Simplicity through visualization

Node-RED is simple and great at flow managment and home automation rules can be quite complex to define. By example I’ve illustrated the scenario presented at Home Assistant Conference 2020 where a light bulb is to be controlled by sun state, time and if a door is opened or closed.

Check out the video explaining on how to do it in Home Assistant on Youtube

I built the same logic easily using node-red-contrib-norelite and it can easily be extended further. It is a good showcase on the simplicity of norelite. Illustrative example

Alright, how do I get started?

  1. Install the required dependencies into Node-RED based on what you want to do
  2. Import examples that comes with the installation
    • Node-RED menU: Import > Examples > node-red-contrib-norelite
  3. Read the node descriptions in the Node-RED GUI. I’ve tried to document them fairly well..